What credentials are required to practice massage therapy?
- How is Complimentary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) different from Conventional Medicine?
- What is Qi (pronounced CH-ee)?
- What kind of needles are used in acupuncture?
- How deeply are acupuncture needles inserted?
- Is acupuncture painful and what will I feel during a treatment?
What credentials are required to practice massage therapy?
In Ohio, we must register with the Ohio State Medical Board, the body that will ultimately grant the license to practice. We must complete a minimum of 750 hours from an approved massage therapy program and pass the MBLEx exam. I recommend that you gather information about the practitioner you are considering (such as training and licensing) and meet with the practitioner to ask about the risks and benefits of treatment before choosing a therapist.
How is Complimentary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) different from Conventional Medicine?
In the U.S., CAM is used by about 38% of adults and 12% of children. The techniques used in CAM are mostly less invasive than conventional medical practices, meaning that they don’t rely on surgery or conventional medications. Some CAM therapies are supported by scientific evidence, others are not. This doesn’t mean these therapies don’t work, it just means that experts haven’t studied them enough to know if they do — and if so, how.
What is Qi?
Qi (pronounced- CH-ee) is one of foundation concepts of TCM and one of the most difficult to translate. It is most well known as the vital energy of the body that circulates within the specific meridians or channels, but it is also much more than that. It has duality such as all things do, it is matter with out form as well as the function and activity. It is the most basic substance that comprises the world and the movement and changes of Qi determine the state of the world and health with ones body.
What kind of needles are used in acupuncture?
Acupuncture needles are sterile, single use needles that vary from a diameter of 0.16 mm to 0.46 mm and vary in length between 13 to 130 millimeters. The filiform needles are super fine, flexible and strong and are made of high grade stainless steel- sometimes adorned with copper or gold handles.
How deeply are acupuncture needles inserted?
Needle size and insertion depth depend upon the nature of the problem. Depths can be from 0.2 to 3 inches. Also taken into consideration are: the patient’s size, age, and constitution.
Is acupuncture painful?
At the time the needle is inserted, some may feel soreness or slight pain. Others may feel nothing. Common sensations around the needle include: tingling, electrical sensations that may travel above or below the needle, or a sense of swelling at the insertion site. Some people are energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed.